With the floor done it was time to start the details to the back of the frieze. Because this was a plain drop casting there was no detail on the back of this piece. I assumed it would have been plastered and painted and there would have been some remains from the roof beams.
So out came the gouges and awls and I started in on the details. Some stone coursesb were added and a roof beam.
The effect was pleasing so I started painting it, a dark brown. Next up was a frieze - copied from a clip art printed out small and appliqued on using white glue.
Curiously the application of white glue caused the paint under to crackle and split. Which I highlighted and left as it looked great.
Overall then quite close to what I looked for. The skeleton is from Caesar Miniatures - it's difficult to look at this and NOT think about Jason and the Argonauts.